Built by: Dutch Masters Construction Services
Owned by: Con Brio Farm
Engineered by: Tacoma Engineers
40' X 48' Implement Shed & Attached 24' X 40' - 1 1/2 Storey Office
Wood framed walls on poured foundation with wood clear-span trusses, designed for future solar panel installation.
Steel cladding and trims on shed with Hardie Plank siding on workshop exterior with stone veneer accents, all to match existing equestrian farm complex.
The building is completely insulated.
The storage has plywood lined walls and white steel ceilings.
The shop area is lined with drywall and insulated.
Custom canopies over entrance doors.
Workshop has hot water in-floor heating with blanket insulation and insulated walls & ceiling with loft for storage. 3 – 12’x12’ over-head electric operated doors for access to storage area.
Directional boring used to install all buried hydro, waste and water lines into the structure.
Structure designed to compliment on site location near the existing building complex for scale and functional use as the main farm implement storage for daily access.