CFBA Director Gary van Bolderen is actively involved in the Construction Industry on behalf of the CFBA and also the Council of Ontario Construction Associations, where he currently holds the Chair position. The CFBA is a member of COCA. Gary provided the following report on his recent activities:
Meetings attended of behalf of the CFBA and COCA:
Sept 22 COCA Board meeting Toronto
Sept 28 Canadian Construction Association Summit in Toronto
Oct. 2 CFBA meeting Guelph
Oct. 16 Lien Review Teleconference Barrie
Oct. 19 CCA Board meeting Thunder Bay
Oct. 20 CCA Board meeting Thunder Bay
Oct. 23 Lien Review Teleconference Barrie
Oct. 26 Lien Review Teleconference Barrie
Nov. 4 Meet Minister of Labour Toronto
Nov. 9 Meet Reynolds re: Lien Review Toronto
Nov. 10 COCA Breakfast meeting Woodbridge
Nov. 13 CFBA Board meeting Guelph
Nov. 17 Millwright Ass. Board Mtg. Cambridge
Nov. 12 PC Patrick Brown Mtg. Toronto
COCA is very busy lobbying the Ontario Government regarding four main issues.
Ian Cunningham (President of COCA ), and myself (Chair of COCA) held a meeting with the Minister of Labour, Mr. Kevin Flynn. It was a very open discussion about COCA’s view about the four main issues COCA is promoting. While there are no direct results from these types of meetings with Ministers and Deputy Ministers, it is important for COCA to voice the concerns of the construction industry directly to these decision makers in government.
I am attending the CCA meetings, acting as the replacement for Mr. Paul Sibel who stepped down after many years of great service to the industry and COCA. I hope to be on the Board of CCA, and this will be determined at their Annual Meeting in March.
COCA is constantly in communication with industry stakeholders and government officials and political policy makers. This is a never ending effort to educate and inform government. Positive results are often achieved from months and years of working quietly behind the scenes. With patience and a commitment to our long term goals, COCA continues to make a difference.